February 17th City Commission Agenda at-a-Glance

LAKELAND, FL (February 13, 2020) | The Agenda at-a-Glance includes highlights for the upcoming February 17th City Commission Meeting Agenda. The full agenda and backup materials are available to view and download on our Agendas page. The Lakeland City Commission will discuss agenda items in detail at the Agenda Study session on Friday, February 14th starting at 8:30 a.m. The public can watch Agenda Study Sessions, City Commission Meetings as well as Committee Meetings live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on LakelandGov TV.
Public Hearings – Ordinances for 2nd Reading
This is when the public is invited to share opinions and concerns about agenda items. Second Reading of an ordinance includes a chance for public testimony and requires a vote.
Item One is a proposal to approve a conditional use to allow an electrical sales and supply company at 1303 East Main Street. The Planning and Zoning Board approved the application for Circuit Breaker Sales Company on January 22, 2020 and recommended to the City Commission that the conditional use be granted for the business to exist at the East Main location.
Item Two is modification to zoning to allow 26,000 sq.ft. retail commercial use that includes space for a 10,000 sq.ft. restaurant on 5.14 acres of property that is part of the Drummond Development. This area is south of the Oakbridge Parkway and east of Harden Boulevard. Zoning was originally set for office space.
Item Three is a proposal to amend zoning to allow a daycare on property near the Lakeland Linder International Airport on Don Emerson Drive. The Planning and Zoning Board approved the zoning change and now it is up for City Commission approval.
Item Four is the vacating of public right-of-way as part of the upcoming Summit Corporate Office development north of the Main Street Overlook and east of North Massachusetts Avenue at Lake Mirror.
City Manager
There are no agenda items under the City Manager portion of the agenda.
City Attorney | Ordinances 1st Reading
This portion of the agenda includes items for first reading. This is the initial introduction of an ordinance to the City Commission. Ordinances must be read once during a City Commission meeting before the meeting at which the ordinances will be voted on. During the first reading of an ordinance there is no testimony and no votes are taken. There are no ordinances for first reading on the February 17th City Commission Agenda.
Resolutions do not require a first and second reading. Resolutions are typically voted on when they are brought before the City Commission. There is one resolution on the agenda that authorizes approval of a Joint Participation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Lakeland for construction funding for SR 600 (US92). Specifically, the funding is for improvements at the New Tampa Highway and Wabash Avenue intersection. Estimated cost for the improvement project is $818,466 with total reimbursement coming from the Florida Department of Transportation.
Miscellaneous Reports are various reports that may or may not require a vote from the City Commission. There is a Sun ‘n Fun Use Agreement on the agenda under Miscellaneous Reports , that gives Sun ‘n Fun authority to conduct their event at Lakeland Linder International Airport. The main purpose of this Agreement is to provide for insurance and indemnification, as well as delineate those areas where Sun ‘n Fun is responsible for control and maintenance. The Agreement grants to Sun ‘n Fun the use of ramps, runways, taxiways and other facilities provided for aircraft and the public, subject to the operational control of the Airport Manager and the Federal Aviation Administration. Sun ‘n Fun agrees to reimburse the City for its share of the costs of providing additional air traffic controllers for the event. There is also an approval agreement with Keystone Challenge Fund, Inc for affordable housing projects. Under the agreement, the City will provide HOME funds to Keystone for the construction of two single-family homes, one at 722 W. Thomas Street and one at 625 W. Valencia Street. There is also a report to review the architectural design plans for Summit Office Building that is slated to be built overlooking Lake Mirror in downtown Lakeland.
Utility portion of the agenda is where there are issues including ordinances, resolution and miscellaneous reports that involve Lakeland Electric, the city owned municipal energy company. On this portion the agenda there are four miscellaneous reports with the first three involving items at McIntosh Power Plant.
Item One is an agreement with Alimak Group USA to refurbish an elevator at the coal generator stack at McIntosh 3. This two-man stack elevator has been in operation for 20 years and is exposed to environmental elements as well as the harsh elements that result from the operation of a coal generation facility.
Item Two is a change order to replace two automatic voltage regulators at McIntosh 5, the combined unit natural gas generator at the plant.
Item Three is an agreement with Munters Corporation for the purchase of 125 demister trays for the scrubber modules at McIntosh Unit 3. These demister trays will replace the old trays that have sustained significant damage due to prolonged exposure to the harsh environment found at a generating facility. The upgraded high alloy material is competitively priced and is expected to last through the remaining anticipated life of Unit 3. Unit 3 is slated to be decommissioned by 2024.
Item Four is a proposal to designate representatives for the City to interact with the Environmental Protection Agency and Florida Department of Environmental Protection with regard to issues involving the Clean Air Act. The agreement designates City representatives that will interact with the Environmental Protection Agency and Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
During the February 14th Agenda Study session, the City Commission will discuss each agenda item in detail for the upcoming Monday, February 17th City Commission Meeting. This public meeting takes place in the City Commission Conference Room located on the third floor of City Hall (228 South Massachusetts Avenue) starting at 8:30 a.m. There is a Real Estate and Transportation Committee meeting that will take place before the Agenda Study session at 8 a.m.
There is a Policy Workshop on Friday, February 14th at 9:30 a.m., or immediately following Agenda Study in the City Commission Conference Room. The purpose for this workshop is for the City Commission to provide their collective opinion on Art in Public Places. The commission will discuss the current status of Ordinance 4774 Creating a Public Art Fund and the issue of Creating an Art in Public Places Advisory Committee.
About Lakeland
The City of Lakeland was incorporated in January 1885 and has grown to become one of the largest inland communities in Florida. With a current population over 100,000, Lakeland continues to grow. It has been designated a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area by the US Census Bureau for over 30 years. With tourist attractions and gulf beaches only an hour away, Lakeland continues to capitalize on its ideal central Florida location along the I-4 corridor. The City owns and operates Lakeland Electric, the third-largest publicly owned utility in Florida and it was one of the first to offer power in the Sunshine State over 110 years ago.
For additional information about the City of Lakeland, please explore lakelandgov.net.
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