May 4th City Commission Meeting Agenda at a Glance

LAKELAND, FL (April 30, 2020) | The Agenda at a Glance includes highlights for the upcoming May 4th City Commission Meeting Agenda. The agenda and backup materials are available to view and download at The Lakeland City Commission will discuss agenda items in detail at the Agenda Study session on Friday, May 1st starting at 8:30 a.m. The public can watch Agenda Study Sessions, City Commission Meetings as well as Committee Meetings live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on For a full live meeting, broadcast schedule visit
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Public Hearings – Ordinances for 2nd Reading
This is when the public is invited to share opinions and concerns about agenda items. Second Reading of an ordinance includes a chance for public testimony and requires a vote. There are two items on the agenda for second reading.
Item One is an ordinance relating to a small-scale amendment to the future land use map to change a parcel currently marked for recreational use to residential low. There is a proposal for single-family residential development as part of the Village at Bridgewater on 7.5 acres located just south of I-4 in the Bridgewater Development. The Planning & Zoning Board approved and recommended the change at their March 17, 2020 meeting.
Item Two is the zoning change to allow the single-family projects at the Villages of Bridgewater that changes the zoning from recreation to suburban neighborhood on the 7.5-acre parcel. The Planning & Zoning Board held a public hearing on February 18, 2020 to consider the request modify Planned Unit Development (PUD). The request was approved and now the recommendation is before the City Commission.
There is one Miscellaneous Report under Public Hearings.
Since 2003 the City of Lakeland has been designated as a Certified Community under the State of Florida’s Local Government Comprehensive Planning Certification Program as provided for under Florida Statute, Section 163.3246. The monitoring report will be presented during the May 4th City Commission meeting. The program designates local governments as a certified community based upon a demonstrated record of effectively adopting, implementing, and enforcing its comprehensive plan; the level of technical planning experience exhibited by the local government; and a commitment to implement exemplary planning practices. The local government identifies a geographic area, or certification area, within which they commit to directing growth. The purpose of the certification is to designate areas that are contiguous, compact, and appropriate for urban growth and development within a 10-year planning timeframe.
City Manager
There are two agenda items under the City Manager’s portion of the agenda.
Item One regards discretionary funding for Lakeland Linder International Airport under the CARES Act. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law by the President on March 27, 2020, includes $10 billion in funds to be awarded as economic relief to eligible U.S. airports affected by the prevention of, preparation for, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds are distributed using various formulas for all airports that are part of the national airport system (NPIAS) including all commercial service airports, all reliever airports and some public-owned general aviation airports. LLIA has been notified that their share of the discretionary funds included in the CARES Act amounts to $157,000. LLIA intends to use the funds towards its operational expenses, such as payroll, other operating costs or payment of debt service.
Item Two is a recommendation to award Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services as a consultant for property and casualty insurance. A. J. Gallagher is the City’s current broker and consulting service provider for property and casualty Insurance. RFP No.0051 was sent out on January 23, 2020 to 80 prospective bidders and Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services was the only respondent. They will provide insurance consulting and brokerage services for coverage lines including, but not limited to: Excess workers’ compensation, property & boiler machinery, inland marine, excess liability, public officials and employment practices, aviation, sculpture, rail cars, cyber and crime coverage. A.J. Gallagher has proposed a flat annual fee for policies and services (as identified in Exhibit A) of $175,000. The proposed fee for 2020 is $175,000, which includes all policies listed on the report. Once the new contract begins, all lines that previously included commission, will have commission removed, as the compensation for these lines of coverage premium, will move from included in the premiums, to a flat fee, separately. The actual increase in total compensation in 2020 will be $14,614. This increase will be fixed for the 5-year contract term.
City Attorney – Ordinances 1st Reading
This portion of the agenda includes items for first reading. This is the initial introduction of an ordinance to the City Commission. Ordinances must be read once during a City Commission meeting before the meeting that they will be voted on. During the first reading of an ordinance there is no testimony and no votes are taken. There are no items for 1st Reading on the May 4th agenda.
Resolutions do not require a first and second reading. Resolutions are typically voted on when they are brought before the City Commission. There are two resolutions under the City Attorney portion of the agenda.
Item One is Lot Clearing and Cleaning assessments for property owners who have had their property cleared and cleaned of debris by the City of Lakeland due to Code Enforcement Violations.
Item Two is an amendment to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Certification Program Agreement originally initiated in 2004. This is a housekeeping item that amends the agreement to show the extended City of Lakeland boundary.
There are six Miscellaneous Reports on the agenda.
Item One is a hearing waiver. During the month of June, the Community & Economic Development Department will be presenting the Commission a proposed Large-scale Land Use Amendment for Orlando Health, Project LUL 20-001 to the Comprehensive Plan which will require at least one hearing after 5:00 p.m. It is requested that the Commission waive the statutory requirement that at least one of the hearings on these matters be held after 5:00 p.m. because of the impacts of COVID-19.
Item Two is a legal fee report from the City Attorney. The report lists legal fees and expenses paid to outside law firms from January 2020 – March 2020.
Item Three is a loan agreement with Impeccable Construction, Inc, for the construction of two new affordable low-income single-family homes. The homes will be built on vacant lots owned by Impeccable Construction located at 2040 and 2052 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue. The Florida Housing Finance Corporation encourages State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program entitlement communities to assist with the development of affordable housing for low-income individuals and households.
Item Four is the third extension of an agreement with Ovations Food Services, LP and Spectra Food Services & Hospitality at the RP Funding Center. The City originally entered into a Concession Services Agreement with Spectra on November 1, 2009. The Agreement was amended on December 19, 2011 to extend its expiration date to October 31, 2019. The Agreement was again amended on January 7, 2019 to further extend the expiration date to June 30, 2020 due to the impact of substantial renovations at the Center. In February 2020, RP Funding Center staff began an RFP process for new concessionaire services at the Center. Due to the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the event industry as well as the Center’s business, Center staff made the decision to postpone the RFP until further notice and negotiate an extension of the existing agreement with Spectra.
Item Five is a ground lease agreement with Peace River Center for the lease of 1831 Gilmore Avenue for a community health center. The lease term will expire in 2064 and rent will be $1.00 per year. Peace River will use the property for social welfare and community services. They will pay for all utilities, maintenance and taxes and shall be responsible for maintaining the landscaping in a good, orderly and attractive condition.
Item Six is a subordination agreement with Polk County to facilitate the County’s West Pipkin Road widening project from Medulla Road to Harden Boulevard. The City holds various electric and water utility easements along this corridor that must be subordinated to the County’s right-of-way interest in order for the project to move forward.
During the May 1st Agenda Study session, the City Commission will discuss each agenda item in detail for the upcoming May 4th City Commission Meeting. This Agenda Study session will be done remotely due to the coronavirus. The public is invited to view the meeting live on Spectrum 643, FiOS 43 and streamed on and On Monday, May 4th, audience participation can be done through phone with a number and access code that will be published at the beginning of the Lakeland City Commission meeting. There is no audience participation during the agenda study session.
About Lakeland
The City of Lakeland was incorporated in January 1885 and has grown to become one of the largest inland communities in Florida. With a current population over 100,000, Lakeland continues to grow. It has been designated a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area by the US Census Bureau for over 30 years. With tourist attractions and gulf beaches only an hour away, Lakeland continues to capitalize on its ideal central Florida location along the I-4 corridor. The City owns and operates Lakeland Electric, the third-largest publicly owned utility in Florida and it was one of the first to offer power in the Sunshine State over 110 years ago.
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