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Affordable Housing Infill Land Bank Program

Update: The next round of lots is now available for preview on our interactive map linked below.

The City of Lakeland Housing Division will begin accepting applications for the Infill Land Bank Program starting on Monday, March 10, 2023.  Anyone interested in the program will be required to submit an Affordable Housing Development Application and an Application to become a Certified Affordable Housing Developer through our online application portal.  If you were previously awarded lots through the land bank program, you do not need to resubmit the Certified Affordable Housing Developer Application.  The link to the application portal will remain open until the end of the day Monday, March 27, 2023.

The City of Lakeland Housing Division and the Affordable Housing Review Committee will qualify and rank all applications.  Lots will be awarded to qualified buyers based on their ranking until all lots have been awarded and the following incentive will be made available:

  • Non-utility impact fee waivers for both the city and county are available for properties in the Core Improvement Area.
  • Non-utility impact fee reimbursements are available for properties outside the Core Improvement Area.
  • The City of Lakeland will sell infill lots for 120% of the assessed land value.  The city will only collect a deposit of $1,500 per lot; the remaining balance will be held as a 10 year deferred lien.  The lien will be released and satisfied upon sale of new home to an income qualified affordable housing buyer.
  • Down payment assistance will be available to income qualified affordable housing buyers. 

The application forms and program details are available below:

Affordable Housing Land Bank Map 

Program Guidelines

Certified Affordable Developer Application

(Go to the Infill Lot Program at the bottom of the page)

For additional information, please contact  housing@lakelandgov.net or call 863.834.3360.


Help for Developers

Affordable Housing Incentives Program

As part of the City's participation in and eligibility for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program, the Housing Office is required to implement an Affordable Housing Incentive Plan.  Incentives included in the Plan which may be requested include:

  • Expedited permitting for affordable housing development projects
  • Reimbursement of impact fees for affordable housing development projects
    • The City Commision approved an amendment on September 20, 2021 to expand the areas covered from targeted neighborhoods to Central City Transit Supportive Area (see below)
  • Modified infrastructure requirements for affordable housing development projects

View the full Affordable Housing Incentive Plan and Application for Incentives.

Click here to view additional development incentives.

A map of the Central City Transit Supportive Areas


Community Housing Development Organizations

The Federal Government requires that a portion of the City's HOME Investment Partnership Program funding be set aside for specific activities to be undertaken by a special type of nonprofit called a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO).  A CHDO is a private nonprofit, community-based organization that has obtained or intends to obtain staff with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the community it serves.  HOME grantees (called Participating Jurisdictions in the HOME Program) must set aside a minimum of 15 percent of their HOME allocations for housing development activities in which qualified CHDOs are the owners, developers and/or sponsors of the housing.

For additional information, or to become a CHDO, please contact the Affordable Housing Office at 863.834.3360 or by email.